Viewing Malayalam content.

Some contents of this site are in Malayalam. If you are reading this page then we assume that you are having trouble viewing the Malayalam text properly.

All the text in this website uses Unicode Character Encoding. If you have a Unicode Malayalam font like 'Rachana_w01' or 'Anjali old lipi' installed on your system then all you have to do is change your browser's character encoding setting to ' Unicode'. Following are the steps for making your browser Unicode enabled.

For Internet Explorer users:

  1. Go to VIEW menu.
  2. Click on ENCODING.
  3. Select UNICODE(UTF8)from the list.
  4. Press F5 to Refresh.

For Firefox users:

  1. Go to VIEW menu.
  3. Select UNICODE(UTF8).
    If you cannot find this in the immediate list, click on MORE ENCODINGS> UNICODE> UTF8.
  4. Press F5 to Refresh.

Don't have Malayalam Fonts?

By following a few simple instuctions mentioned in the following link 'Guide to viewing Malayalam' you could see Malayalam content not only on this site but any other Malayalam content available on the web.

Link: Guide to viewing Malayalam.

For fruther assistance e-mail us

If the given link is not working or if despite following the instructions you are unable to view the malayalam content please let us know through a mail.

Our e-mail address: